Why Tape Your Stick Every Game
Hockey tape provides multiple benefits to players, and is almost always the last thing to touch the puck before every single goal. So one of the questions that a lot of players ask, is why should I tape my stick every time a get on the ice. Here are some of the benefits a good tape job will give your game:
Puck Control
Controlling the puck is an essential part of the game. From being able to shoot where you want, or being able to have precision on your passes, the ability to control the puck at all times helps with those important skills to help elevate your game.
To add to that, some players apply wax to their stick to repel water and ice build up. Depending on the wax job, it can also have a touch of tackiness, or stickiness, that helps control the puck as well, while accomplishing our second reason, protection.
Stick Protection
Cloth tape on your stick helps maintain the integrity of your stick. Let's face it, sticks are expensive and we want/need them to last for as long as they can. If the blade starts to chip or break down, that will not help your game at all, and might fail you when you are on a breakaway late in the third. Keep your "twig" in the best shape you can by having a clean new tape job when you take the ice!
We all know the saying, " Look good, Feel good, Play good." When you have the confidence in your stick, and your tape job, that gives you the confidence to go bar-down when the time comes. Everybody tapes their stick differently, because everybody is different. While tape is important for puck control and protecting your stick, tape it how you want, and how it best supports you improving your game.
Make Sure You are Well Prepared with plenty of Carter Hockey Tape. Get Your Here: https://carterhockey.com/collections/tape